Saturday, December 20, 2008


I had dinner at the Sherman's house tonight. Norman told all the usual stories, about Humphrey, the Pope, Kenyatta, and Nixon. But they never get old. We talked about Obama and Rick Warren. He's pretty upset. 

Everyone asked me about school and Amsterdam, and interestingly enough, it's getting easier explaining exactly why I'm going: "Well, it's an amazing city," I said. "My best friends are going, and in terms of Islamic Studies, Amsterdam has a great program ... Dutch? ... no, it's all taught in English."

I don't even think that's what I said, but whatever. It's strange, really, trying to sum up so many hopes and dreams, even fears, into a single blurb. All I'm left with is some vague sense of urgency: "I can't wait to just get there. I'm so excited!" 

I'm more than excited. Why can't we go right now, na na?

Anyway, I really want to get out into Tucson and take some pictures. Maybe tomorrow. The leaves on the tree across the street are falling. Here are some photos of Silver Lake I took before finals ... I just got them developed ...  

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